Things you didn’t know you needed

Here are a few things that aren’t always talked about, but are often really good to have.

  • Replacement duckbills-did you know that pump parts may need to be replaced over time? Duckbills are one of the most important parts to replace, as if they are not opening and closing properly you will not get the best possible suction and there for milk output.

I recommend changing duckbills every 2 weeks for exclusive pumpers, every month for full time working and pumping moms, and every 2-4 months for irregular/occasional pumpers.

  • Flange inserts/different size flanges-these days flanges and inserts are available in many different sizes and styles. If pumping isn’t going well with the size(s) that came with your pump, you may want to look into trying another size. A lactation consultant can help with this.

  • Snacks. Breastfeeding makes you hungry! And also burns calories, even more than being pregnant.

  • Baby k'tan—or any baby carrier you like. Baby carriers are such a good tool for snuggling and calming your baby and also being able to use your arms for other things at the same time.

  • Water or hydration drinks—you will be thirsty.

  • Breastfeeding supporters—it’s nice to have friends or family, or professionals in your corner. If you have a friend or family member who recently had a baby, ask them how breastfeeding was for them in the beginning—most of the time they will be more than happy to talk about it.

  • Help with household chores. This is the last thing you should worry about, you should focus on healing and your baby. Let someone else do the stuff around the house. If you don’t have family near by consider hiring a postpartum doula.


Benefits of Skin to Skin


Being sick while breastfeeding